Our Story
One day, dad and I picked up a plastic coke bottle, filled it with sand and started tossing it into a 5-gallon bucket. We made up some rules similar to traditional horseshoes, friends and family began to join in and it became a regular activity. “What are we gonna call this game?” One guy yelled out; “call it Redneck Horseshoes” and the name stuck! I made different designs by cutting the buckets at an angle and using a dogs rubber fetch toy that was shaped like a longneck bottle. After testing prototypes, I found the perfect angle for the bucket and weight for the toss bottles. I began to “think outside the bucket” and started to look for manufacturers to take the prototype to production.
Giving back and making a positive impact in this world is important, so when I was invited to help host a “Redneck Horseshoes" tournament as a fundraiser for a family who’s child was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, I jumped at the opportunity. We set up some games on the beach and the event was a huge success. In fact, the cornhole tournament next to us was a ghost town and we were slammed with people laughing and having a great time. People were constantly asking where to buy a set. At that moment, I knew we were on to something BIG! We were invited to more charity events and the game was enjoyed by many.
We are very excited as we share our social game with the world. Thank you for your support and enjoy the toss game!
Jimmy Zeke - Inventor.

To bring people together through laughter, fun, and competition.
To be the fastest-growing social game in America.